DEOC trains 500 Uber driver partners on disability etiquette

Diversity and Equal Opportunities Centre (DEOC) has trained 500 driver partners of Uber for Uber Assist and Uber Access services.

Uber in partnership with Mphasis launched Uber Assist and Uber Access services.

Uber Access, a wheelchair accessible vehicle has a hydraulic lift to take the wheelchair inside the modified van. UBER has launched 50 Uber Access cars.

Uber Assist are cabs for people with disabilities and elderly who may need assistance from drivers.
Both Uber Access and Uber Assist drivers are trained on disability etiquette, disability terminology and how to assist people with various disabilities. The service allows people with various disabilities to travel independently and offers safety.

DEOC has trained 500 driver partners of Uber for these services.

The training programme was especially designed for Uber. Apart from training on various techniques, do’s and don’ts for assisting people with different disabilities, DEOC created a simple concept/rule of SAHARA that drivers should follow every time they assist a person.

SAHARA stands for

  • S: See. Step out of the car and observe what assistance may be needed. Not all disabilities are visible.
  • A: Ask, if they need help (Don’t assume!).
  • H: Hear carefully to their instructions.
  • A: Act accordingly.
  • R: Remember and add to your learning.
  • A: Always follow the sequence of SAHARA.

The key messaging of the training programme was to ensure driver asks and understands what support is required by the customer before offering help. Each person is different, and the support required may vary depending upon degree of disability and person’s comfort. The subtle but a clear message was on respecting the person and her/his choice. This came about when they heard people with different disabilities who were from corporates or running their business.

Team involved in the Training: L to R: Sitting: Shahana, Nalina, L to R Standing: Ankit, Nimisha, Rama, Meenu Ranjini and Manisha

For further details on the service, please visit link


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